
About us

To make it easier for you to know who to contact, we’d like to introduce the Toastmasters Seville club officers. This team of members is responsible for managing the club. Below are the officers for the 2021/22 period. 

Equipo Oficiales 2021-22


Antonio G. González
VP Education

Francisco Pérez
VP Membership

Rafael Carranco
VP Public Relations

Miguel Ángel García

Francisco Martín

Rafael González
Sergeant at Arms

Charo Vílchez
Former president

Isabelle Steiner

Online sessions

We’ve been holding two sessions online by videoconference. For more details, see our calendar. You’re always welcome to come along to our sessions for free as a guest.

In-person sessions

Toastmasters Seville club meetings take place every Wednesday from 7pm to about 9pm, except on public holidays and during holiday periods. To see the details for a specific date, visit our calendar. We normally meet at EOI Seville (Escuela de Organización Industrial). The address is: Calle Leonardo Da Vinci, 12, PCT Cartuja. For special sessions, check out our calendar.

You’re always welcome to come along to our sessions for free as a guest. Our meetings are open to anyone who wants to discover Toastmasters Seville. It’s best if you contact us beforehand to tell us you’re coming. But you’re also welcome to just turn up and introduce yourself to the club members. You’re welcome!

We want to hear from you

Do you want to know more about us? Would you like to tell us that you’re planning to come along to one of our sessions as a guest? Do you have an idea for an improvement? If the answer is yes, email us: Or, if you prefer, fill in this form.

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Your message

    Por favor, prueba que eres humano seleccionando el avión.

    We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.