Toastmasters Seville is the first club in the Toastmasters International network that’s based in the Andalusian capital, founded 20 June 2012. The club’s goal is to help its members improve their public speaking and leadership skills in Seville.
What is Toastmasters?
Toastmasters is a world leader in communication and leadership development. It was established as a non-profit organization in 1924. The organization has helped more than four million people to speak in public and be better leaders. It currently has nearly half a million members worldwide, distributed across more than 16,400 speaking clubs in 141 countries.

The Seville club, club number 2339970, is currently part of Toastmasters District 107 (formerly known as Toastmasters Iberia), which is made up of the Toastmasters clubs in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Andorra.

What do we do?
We define ourselves as the first “speaking gym” in Seville. The club has weekly meetings and, once a month, there’s a session in English.
Professionals from different sectors attend the meetings held by Toastmasters Seville each week. We’re united in the conviction that developing good communication and leadership skills is vital when it comes to setting ourselves apart in both our professional and personal lives.
The main goal of the Toastmasters Seville club is for our members to grow as communicators and leaders. We practice, observe and evaluate each other as we train to become better communicators through planned speeches and improvisation.
If you want to improve your public speaking and leadership skills, we’d like to invite you to come to one of our meetings. Contact us for more information.
What goes on at our sessions?
We put the proven Toastmasters International methodology into practice. Our members take on different roles at the meetings. This enables them to cultivate their own skills and help the other members develop theirs.
There are two types of speech at the sessions.
Public speaking through prepared speeches
Club members prepare speeches by completing the different projects available to them on the Pathways learning platform. Pathways provides a training and personal development plan. It covers a wide range of aspects, such as structuring a speech, leadership types, addressing different audiences, drafting proposals, managing difficult audiences and active listening skills. This way, members get the opportunity to work on a variety of specific communication skills.
Public speaking through table topics
In the table topics part of the session, a club member is in charge of coming up with topics for improvised speeches. Guests are also invited to take the stage and give a short speech or take part in an improv debate. These unrehearsed speeches help participants develop their creativity and ability to think on their feet. It’s also a lot of fun!
If you want to improve your public speaking skills in Seville, you’re welcome to come along to club meetings for free as a guest. Find the date of our next meeting on our calendar or contact us for more information.
You’re always welcome!
The members of the Seville club hope you’ll enjoy our meetings so much that you’ll decide to join us and become a member.